Civil Law

Civil law is the part of a country’s set of laws which is concerned with the private affairs of citizens, for example marriage and property ownership, rather than with crime.

Civil law comprises of substantive and procedural law, Civil Court Cases, the Judicial & Quasi-Judicial Courts, the Petition and Documents comprising of Legal Notice, Police Complaint, Court Complaint, Suit, Plaint, Petition, Reply, Written Statement, Rejoinder, Replication, Affidavit, Application, Settlement, Agreement, Memorandum of Settlement (MOU), Family Settlement, Will, Gift Deed, Partition Deed, Adoption Document, Custody Settlement, etc.

Civil courts handle a wide variety of cases involving numerous legal issues, as :-

Eviction and Housing;
Harassment & Protections;
Lawsuit for Money;
Will & Probate;
Tort Claims;
Landlord/Tenant issues;
Breach of Contract.

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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